Edward T. Larkin
I have spent the last fifty years in education, first teaching German, English and Philosophy at Pitman High School in Pitman, NJ, and then German language, literature and culture as well as various courses in the Humanities at the University of Houston, the University of Pennsylvania, and the University of New Hampshire.
I was trained to become an educator at St. Peter's College (now University, BA 1971), the University of Houston (MA 1980), St. John's College in Santa Fe, NM (MA in Liberal Education 1980), and the University of Pennsylvania (PhD 1986).
Besides my interest in translating, I have been an active researcher of German, Austrian, and Swiss writers publishing essays on JW Goethe, F Schiller, E Hackl, AH Fried, CW Frölich, J Pezzl, A Kotzebue, L Perutz, FH Jacobi, HJ Treichel, TA Schmidt, CA Vulpius, and W. Koeppen.
When I am not engaged in a translation project, I enjoy eating, skiing, hiking, golfing, playing basketball, learning Italian, riding my motorcycle, and playing with my granddaughter. And spending time with my wife of many years, Maria.